Task 2 - Advert analysis

The commercial features people dancing, to a song created by Michael Jackson, while more people join in and they all come together to share coca cola. This almost insinuates that coca cola is the reason for this, telling the audience that they bring happiness to people. However this is not all, to fully imprint this message, they play Michael Jackson and heavily feature him so that the audience will begin to associate this advertisement with this song and eventually Michael Jackson himself. This would allow them to increase their sales and their hold on their target audience.
Many medium – long shots are used, which eventually focus in to being either a two or three shot. Each of these shots makes sure to keep referencing, to remind the audience, Michel Jacksons presence as well as going back to a small child as well.
The commercial features music that was created by Michael Jackson. This is used all throughout the commercial in the background and is almost a main staple feature of the commercial itself.
Mise en scene
­­­­­­­­­­­The commercial is mainly shot out in the street with many people coming out to join in. These people all are wearing older outfits that would be reminiscent of the 90’s but are also outfits that are worn within music videos that Michael Jackson himself has done. This is most likely done in an attempt to make as much use of Michael Jackson as possible, so that the audience thinks of him and by definition; coca cola. This is allows them to continue to make their presence known even when the audience is not watching the commercial by imprinting themselves in there head to make a lasting impression.
The video is edited to involve long continuous shots, this is done in an attempt to make the ad look more seamless and therefore much more realistic. This is to help re-enforce the theme in the ad, that Pepsi brings people together, which wouldn't be as impact-full if it didn't look as organic. The ad chooses to use a mix of Medium Close ups, Medium Long shots and Long shots. This is done to not only put emphasis on how many people are involved, but also to give you view of the scene, the street, which helps to further strengthen the theme they are trying to get across. This could also be done to help it too mirror a music video made my Michael Jackson since he is used as a key marketing tool in this advertisement; It could also be trying to show the skill of the dancers on screen almost implying that if you buy and drink Pepsi that you could also possibly attain skills of this caliber.
Pepsi: The choice of a new generation
The slogan is telling us that Pepsi is the choice of the new generation, but it could also be trying to infer that Pepsi is trying to usher in the new generation and the correct way to do this is by having them drink Pepsi. The slogan also could make some of the older audience, or those who are starting to feel irrelevant, try to see this as a way to become almost young & by definition more relevant. By playing on peoples fears of eventually fading away into irrelevancy, this would cause a lot more people to by this drink. We also can infer this because we know that Pepsi was not trying to really attract the actual new generation but rather long time consumers.
Persuasive techniques
One of the persuasive techniques is to use Michael Jackson in the advertisement. This almost tells the viewers that this drink is a good choice because a well known, or there favorite, celebrity is putting there potential career and trust on the line to endorse this specific product. It could also cause people to think that they could be as skillful and talented as Michael Jackson just by buying and consuming this drink, although this is not true, it could be seen this way as everyone who is dancing in this ad is also drinking the Pepsi or are inferred to be friends with those that do. Whereas those that are not dancing are never seen touching or even drinking Pepsi.
The advertisement is trying to connote that to be a good person or a talented person, like Michael Jackson, you NEED to drink this. It goes out of it way to re-enforce this via camera angles, using Michael Jackson as a marketing tool, and using a very high budget simply for this advertisement. It also seems to try and fool people into thinking that they are no longer relevant and are becoming the older generation; this is done in an attempt to convince them they are fading away into irrelevancy and they only way to remedy this - is by consuming, most likely, large amounts of Pepsi.
The way they use children and Michael Jackson could almost be symbolic of him adopting or passing the torch on to the newer generation. This would correspond with the slogan perfectly. It could also be trying to tell us that he has given the secret to his success to these children, the newer generation, which almost signals that there generation is coming to an end. This works perfectly with the fears of irrelevancy that are used throughout this ad; which all work together well to convince the target market to want to buy this drink.
Social/Cultural context 
The social and cultural context is highly relevant on who is watching the ad, to a younger viewer they are being sold the drink on the basis of it; it potentially making you be as happy and potentially skilled as the people in the add, the ad claiming it was made directly for them and someone they know from the older generation - who was extremely well know - also giving it to them. But to a older viewer, this is Pepsi almost telling them that this is the only way for them to stay in the lead and if they choose to ignore this almost plead from Pepsi then they will be replaced by the newer generation without there own consent.


  1. A well written analysis Jagdeep with an attempt to use media language in your analysis. You consider meanings, context and persuasive methods. Vanessa


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