Essay - Due Thursday 19th

'Compare how media language is used in the construction of gender in two print advertisements for fragrances.' (500 - 800 words)

Introduction -

Name the product you are analysing

Define key terms in title (gender) and other key bits of terminology you will use use (patriarchy, objectification)

50 - 100 words

Main Body -

Advert one :

Describe the advert in one sentence.

Break down the advert into camera shot, mise en scene, anchorage text - what do each of these tell us ( if anything) about how gender is constructed? Is anyone objectified? is it re inforcing of challenging stereotypes? Is it upholding or challenge patriarchy? Do you think the images have been 'airbrushed'? Are the adverts showing binary opposition?

200 - 300 words

Advert two: (REPEAT)

Must compare to the previous advert (In contrast, like the other, however, also, etc...)

200 - 300 words


What have you learnt fro looking at the wtwo adverts? Are gender streyotpyes astill prevalaent in advertising?

What do you tihnk about recent moves to challenge gender streotypes in the industry (asa, un)?

50 - 100 words
